Monthly Archives: July 2015

The Rising Cuckservative Meme

Am I wrong for taking strength and confidence from these trends such as the rise of Donald Trump? From the success of cuckservative? A friend: “You are not wrong. That was a shock to everyone. The power of that meme … Continue reading

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Living As An Illegal Immigrant Requires Deceit

A friend says: I just met with a woman and her illegal immigrant parent. I had to go way over my clock out because I had to stay and answer why I cannot accept her (most likely) falsified taxes. In … Continue reading

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Trump Can Win

Trump can win the nomination for sure, unless he does a Perot and runs from his possible destiny. He has a shot at winning the election in November against HRC especially if he points out that a rise in Hispanic … Continue reading

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Goyim Wearing Yarmulkes

A lot of mentally ill goyim walk around 90035 wearing yarmulkes to get some of that tasty Jewish privilege. Hey, this is not about me! Anyway, I saw two shaygetzes walking down Pico this morning wearing kipot. One was a … Continue reading

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With the Washington Post, has Jeff Bezos broken away from the clique?

Today I was shocked that the Washington Post linked to American Renaissance, the premiere journal of thought for white advocates. Since Jeff Bezos bought the paper, it has moved in a race-realist Steve Sailer direction. In April, the Washington Post … Continue reading

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