Monthly Archives: July 2015

Latinos Are Not Upwardly Mobile

Jason Richwine writes: Many people take for granted that today’s low-skill immigrants will be just like the Irish and Italians of Ellis Island lore, coming to the U.S. as menial laborers but rising to the middle class within a few … Continue reading

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Whites & Jews

A tool I use for figuring out the world is the prism of conflicting group interests. It verges on the impossible for groups such as blacks and whites and Jews and Muslims to have identical interests. The other day, I … Continue reading

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My Experience, Strength & Hope

* I haven’t spent a penny on pornography since 1995. * For more than four decades, Jews have complained, “Why won’t Palestinians pursue their group interest through non-violent organization?” Now the Palestinians are doing just that effectively through BDS, so … Continue reading

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Why He Stopped Masturbating More Than 10 Years Ago

New York Post: The tide started to turn for me after about 90 days. That’s when I realized I was going entire days without thinking about how I wasn’t masturbating. I started to notice benefits, like I was being more … Continue reading

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Race & Social Engineering In Africa

Paul Johnson writes in his 1983 book Modern Times: The great temptation of colonialism, the worm in its free-market apple, was the itch to indulge in social engineering. It was so fatally easy for the colonial administrator to persuade himself … Continue reading

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