Monthly Archives: May 2015

Why Are Some People Smart?

From Wired: “You cannot ask a kid with low IQ to just work hard and then become a really talented mathematician,” he says. “It’s impossible.” And yet, Zhao says, that’s what is currently expected in China. He wants to stop … Continue reading

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You First!

A friend: Why aren’t you rich? Why aren’t you married? Why aren’t you a father? Luke: You first. Friend: This is not a Craigslist ad, where we negotiate who gets the right of first refusal by being second to send … Continue reading

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White Nationalist Environmentalist Garrett Hardin

The SPLC calls Garrett Hardin a white nationalist. Most of the SPLC’s complaints against him are “hate facts,” unpleasant truths the SPLC can’t refute. Jeff* emails: Dear Luke, It was great to see you mention Garrett Hardin in your blog. … Continue reading

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Where Is The White Man’s Self-Respect?

Taki writes: “Rap is the equivalent of projectile vomiting, only worse because of the hate of its lyrics. Hate against women and white people, hate against morality and justice, hate of everything that Luce believed in when he announced that … Continue reading

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Google’s Head of HR Endorses the Alexander Technique

LINK: Lazlo Block, SVP, People Operations at Google, recommended the Alexander Technique for desk bound back pain in his new book Work Rules.

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