Where Is The White Man’s Self-Respect?

Taki writes: “Rap is the equivalent of projectile vomiting, only worse because of the hate of its lyrics. Hate against women and white people, hate against morality and justice, hate of everything that Luce believed in when he announced that the 20th century was to be known as America’s century.”

Chaim Amalek writes: White people have no self respect. If a rapper [Kanye West] directed his venom against any of us Yidden, do you think we would make him “Man of the Year” or put him on any list of the most influential men in America? Of course not. Because we know there are more important things than dollars. But the (white) goy oligarch? Typically an Ayn Rand worshiping Republican, he does not concede the point. Goyim!

These white goy politicians (this one [Lindsay Graham] is a Southern Baptist) just cannot be trusted to defend their own group interests. Typical Republican, typical conservative, typical Christian, typical White man.

Consider Ashkenazi Jews, the Japanese, Koreans. All high IQ groups, and very very tribal (or at least much more so than whites). The White Goy is the outlier in all of this. He increasingly shows himself to be unfit for survival a world in which it is the fittest who survive.

I think we need to start playing Jew-Jitsu with our cultural overlords. Attend the Chaim Amalek Academy for Racial Survival and learn how.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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