Monthly Archives: April 2015

If I Were A White Nationalist, How Would I Feel About Jews?

I am a convert to Orthodox Judaism and I oscillate between having a God-centered universalist Torah worldview (aka ethical-monotheism) and a naturalistic tribal worldview. Because I know what it is like to belong to a tribe, I expect all groups … Continue reading

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Tuesday Musings

* I notice a personality difference between myself and my Ashkenazi friend. I tend to go along with whatever my experts (doctors, dentists, nurses, accountants, lawyers, techs, customer service, etc) tell me while my friend raises holy hell when things … Continue reading

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If I Were A Black Gentile, How Would I Feel About Jews?

If I were a typical college-educated black non-Jewish American male, I suspect I’d have some contradictory and ambivalent feelings about Jews. On the one hand, I’d admire them for their high average intelligence, their industriousness and persistence, their success, their … Continue reading

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Understanding #Gamergate: Zoe Quinn, Anita Sarkeesian and the Social Justice Warriors

From The Gamergate controversy began with a blog post about the infidelities of game developer Zoe Quinn. The post caused quite a stir at Reddit and 4chan’s gaming communities because Quinn’s affairs were with figures in the gaming press. … Continue reading

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If I Were Born An Orthodox Jew, How Would I Feel About Luke Ford?

If I were born Jewish, I might well have some apprehension about this “Luke Ford” chap. If I born and raised an Orthodox Jew, if I had lived my life as an Orthodox Jew, I’d find Luke Ford very weird. … Continue reading

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