Daily Archives: March 14, 2015

Does Your Shul Have A Gerim Section?

Seen and heard: * One Hasid to another to another: “Bro, you got any [basketball] scores for me [from last night]?” * Saw a bloke during the Amidah tie together the talisim of the blokes in front of him. * … Continue reading

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Agudath Israel of America – National Public Policy Position Paper On Immigration & American Foreign Policy

They use fancy words, but like every other major Jewish organization, Agudath Israel is not aligned with America’s best interests. Like the Orthodox Union and the other major Jewish organizations, Agudath Israel supports immigration amnesty for the 20 or so … Continue reading

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Divide & Conquer

For centuries England’s long-time foreign policy was to encourage division and conflict in Europe, thus leaving England safer. Israel’s foreign policy is to encourage division and conflict in the Middle East, thus leaving Israel stronger. Do you think Israel’s leaders … Continue reading

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