Daily Archives: March 4, 2015

Should We Go Our Separate Ways?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * I wonder if they realize that the natural solution to their stated grievances, the natural end to which all trends are pointing, is to have white-only and black-only parts of town? White-only and black-only businesses … Continue reading

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Illegal Immigration With Representation

NYT: “The timing of the vote was auspicious, and strategic. By bringing up the legislation on the day that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel addressed a joint meeting of Congress, Mr. Boehner capitalized on the spectacle and the political … Continue reading

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This never happened before the influx of Asian and Muslim immigrants

REPORT: Close to 700 koalas have been killed off by authorities in southeastern Australia because overpopulation led to the animals starving, an official said Wednesday, sparking claims of mismanagement. Victoria state Environment Minister Lisa Neville said the koalas were euthanised … Continue reading

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Fair Play For Amalek!

Let’s make this a hate-free Purim. Chaim Amalek says: Are you going to attend a Purim party this year? I suggest you use it as cover and agitate for fair play for Haman and his followers. Just say no to … Continue reading

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The SDA VS Jewish Worldviews

I grew up a Seventh-Day Adventist. My memories may not be clear or accurate, but as an SDA, I never had the sense that my group was particularly powerful (though we were God’s chosen people). We seemed to me small … Continue reading

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