Should We Go Our Separate Ways?

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* I wonder if they realize that the natural solution to their stated grievances, the natural end to which all trends are pointing, is to have white-only and black-only parts of town? White-only and black-only businesses and housing developments? I wonder if black folks will consider it a win, when they could no longer move away from their high-crime underclass neighborhoods into the safe white suburbs across town?

* It is long past time to let negroes patrol their own neighborhoods and communities with their own negro policemen. What happens there is not the white man’s business, or the Asian or Hispanic man’s business.

At the same time, it is time to let Whites have their schools free from busing and similar measures. I think Asians and Hispanics would agree for their neighborhoods. Deal?

* What is the male/female ratio in Ferguson? Who is charged with more violent and sexual crimes? If it is men, Ferguson is obviously violating the Constitution!! I can even make bar charts with little dotted lines on them to really point out how “scathing” it all is.

* The Obama Administration does this because it does not perceive any political cost for doing so.

The Obama Administration required colleges to initiate kangaroo-court proceedings whenever a coed makes a sexual accusation — no Republican politician has uttered any complaint.

The Obama Administration now is ordering cities to refrain from enforcing traffic regulations against African-Americans — no Republican politician has uttered any complaint.

If the Republican Party ever decides to advocate enthusiastically for White young male voters, then the Republican Party will liberate itself from these self-defeating political inhibitions.

Republican politicians are inhibited from offending young unmarried women and African-Americans — two blocs that vote overwhelmingly for Democrats.

To hell with those two voting blocs.

* If you want to see how American political environment could get even worse, look at events in merry olde England.

The English PC and SJW lunacy is well advanced, as shown through the politician and police non-response to grooming events over the past decade at Rotherham, Oxfordshire and numerous other places. Their schools restrict and criminalize speech and inhibit learning even more than here, while ignoring or rewarding behaviors that would be deemed reprehensible in what used to be called polite society.

Their local and national politicians are in many ways worse than ours, but Obama, Boehner et al seem to want to catch up and inflict more chaos on the citizenry.

Their social dysfunctions could represent the next step for the U.S. of A. if there is no countervailing force, such as iSteve.

* Strangely enough what Steve calls ‘respectable blacks’ are almost always closely familiarly related to some pretty hardcore villains. Also, strangely enough, these ‘respectable blacks’ sooner or later manage to bring the hardcore villains along with them to the white bread suburb they initially moved to.

* I don’t understand how this DOJ lawsuit presents a problem to the City of Ferguson. What verdict does the DOJ seek? A monetary award of damages or a fine will be paid by the property owners in Ferguson whose taxes fund the local government. The fine will be simply pushed down to the ratepayers who are predominantly black. So black taxpayers in Ferguson will pay a fine as punishment for white policemen discriminating against those same blacks. Great plan.

Somebody at DOJ failed to recognize that a municipality is not a publicly traded corporation that can pay the shakedown.

* Congress allows the leader of a small, foreign theocracy to perform a ritual just like the State of the Union, an honor constitutionally afforded only to the President of the United States.

On the same day, Congress passes a bill that allows them to forfeit their right to oppose the president on an unconstitutional immigration move that allows foreigners to freely come in and use our country at will.

We do not have a country. That is a fact now. We have a berg, a locality on a planet run by an elite. We have no representation.

* I turn on Sean Hannity and he is apoplectic about stopping Iran and going on and on about how great and Churchillian Bibi is. I then turn to Howie Carr here in Boston and he is equally (and embarrasingly) fawning over Bibi and Israel. Then I have to hear a preview on this same conservative station about an interview with Gerald Posner on his new book, God’s Bankers, about how the Vatican, Vatican Bank/money, Catholic Church, etc., supported the Third Reich, were behind the kidnapping of a Jews, etc.

* New York City schools will close for Muslim holidays:

Muslim Holidays Added to New York Public School Calendar
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio announced this morning that the city’s public school calendar would now include two Muslim holidays, Eid al-Adha and Eid al-Fitr, an historic step that he said, “respects the diversity of our city.”
– NBC News

We do not have a country. It belongs to everyone, and thus to no one.

We do not have representation. Elites govern us as part of the larger world.

There is no United States of America. There is only a place on the globe, open to anyone for anything they have to power to inflict.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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