Monthly Archives: March 2015

The 12 Tribes Had 12 Different Roles

The 12 different tribes of Israel had different tasks, different personalities, and different gifts. A model for humanity, no? Different peoples have different gifts. Jews, on average, are good at certain things, blacks at other things, goyim at other things, … Continue reading

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The Word For Today Is ‘Ethnogenesis’

Wikipedia: Ethnogenesis (from Greek ethnos ἔθνος, “group of people, nation”, and genesis γένεσις, “beginning, coming into being”; plural ethnogeneses) is a process in which a group of people acquire an ethnicity, that is, a group identity that identifies them as … Continue reading

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Virtuous Vs Non-Virtuous Sunbathing

Paul Johnson writes: “Even the sunbathing movement, under the impulse of Aryan and Nordic symbols, acquired an anti-Semitic flavour. Indeed in 1920s Germany there were two distinct types of nudism: ‘Jewish’ nudism, symbolized by the black dancer Josephine Baker, which … Continue reading

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Does Your Shul Have A Gerim Section?

Seen and heard: * One Hasid to another to another: “Bro, you got any [basketball] scores for me [from last night]?” * Saw a bloke during the Amidah tie together the talisim of the blokes in front of him. * … Continue reading

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Agudath Israel of America – National Public Policy Position Paper On Immigration & American Foreign Policy

They use fancy words, but like every other major Jewish organization, Agudath Israel is not aligned with America’s best interests. Like the Orthodox Union and the other major Jewish organizations, Agudath Israel supports immigration amnesty for the 20 or so … Continue reading

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