Monthly Archives: March 2015

Hate Speech Not Banned On Campus

Blog post: In light of all the “shocked, shocked, I tell you” reactions to the video 0f an Oklahoma frat house’s racist chant, I pulled up some other instances of “hate speech” at American universities that somehow passed muster. None … Continue reading

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R. Meir Kahane’s Final Book: Revolution Or Referendum

I searched, the website of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, for “Kahane” and found no results. Rabbi Kahane wrote: “There must be a police station in every Israeli Arab village if growing Arab nationalism is to be effectively countered.” These … Continue reading

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Michael Douglas Probes The Mysteries Of The Universe

Michael writes for the Dylan’s experience reminded me of my first encounter with anti-Semitism, in high school. A friend saw someone Jewish walk by, and with no provocation he confidently told me: “Michael, all Jews cheat in business.” Where … Continue reading

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A People That Shall Dwell Alone

A friend says: I finished Kevin MacDonald‘s A People That Shall Dwell Alone. I had no idea that Haredim hated red haired dudes so much! He wrote it in early 90s, and does not / did not see or foretell … Continue reading

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Are you reading too many books by straight white men?

Chaim Amalek writes: Reading this article (in part) led me to a new acronym that all of you should learn, as the ***** who control our culture are certain to seize upon it: “QUILTBAG- QUILTBAG is an acronym. It stands … Continue reading

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