R. Meir Kahane’s Final Book: Revolution Or Referendum

I searched Wiesenthal.com, the website of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, for “Kahane” and found no results.

Rabbi Kahane wrote:

“There must be a police station in every Israeli Arab village if growing Arab nationalism is to be effectively countered.”

These were not the words of some Arab-haling racist, but of the chief of the Israeli police, Davis Kraus testifying before the Knesset Interior Committee on August I, 1989. And Interior Committee chairman Yehoshua Matza adds, “Israel Arabs must be warned that if they continue their militant behavior they will bring on themselves a repetition of the 1948 tragedy.” Strange words for leaders of an Israel that boasts, regularly of Jewish-Arab coexistence.
Or consider what happened at a farewell party for the outgoing head of the Southern Command, Major General Yitzhak Mordechai, on July 30, 1989. In the presence of Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin, Chief of Staff Dan Shomron and other senior military officers, Haya Samir is invited to sing for the patricians. Samir, the only female Arab who ever served in the army and who was the soloist for the Southern Command entertainment troupe, is General Mordechai’s favorite singer. And so, the generals and officers and Israeli Jews sit back to enjoy their favorite Arab when she bursts into what the papers will later call, “The Intifada song.” In it she speaks of “fate-stricken people,” and “prisoners for execution” and “hungry for justice and chewing hate.”
A number of officers walked out while later a senior officer says: “I am shocked…”
Shocked. I too, but I am shocked that the Israeli general is shocked. For that speaks volumes for the deliberate blindness and refusal to understand anything about the Arabs of Israel. It symbolizes the “plantation” Sabra who smiles tolerantly at “his” Arabs and proclaims them happy content and loyal. One gapes, open-mouthed in awe, at the refusal to understand that the Arabs of Israel hate the Jews who, they believe, stole the land from them. One is stupefied at the inability or unwillingness to grasp the immutable, unbridgeable gap and contradiction between the very concept of a Jewish state and political equality for Arabs within it.
As a corollary to the myth that a Jewish State can also be a western democratic one, giving non-Jews exactly the kinds of equal rights possessed by Jews, is the delusion of “coexistence between Jews and Arabs.” And as part and parcel, of that picture of smiling, handholding Jews and Arabs, is the fiction of Arab loyalty to the State of Israel as transcending their Arabism. Nonsense!
It is not Arabs of the liberated lands, Judea-Samaria-Gaza, who are the ultimate threat, who are the essence of the problem. For those who call themselves “Palestinians,” are not to be found only in the territories. More than 750,000 of them live within the State of Israel-the Jewish State-itself They are the Arabs of Israel, who see themselves as “Palestinians,” who identify with the “Palestinian” people, who hate Israel and who see it as a robber, alien state that sits on a large part of what to them is really “Palestine.”
The Arabs of Israel are the reality of the worst nightmare imaginable for the liberal Jews of Israel (and the world). They exemplify the immutable contradiction between Zionism and a Jewish State on the one hand, and Western democracy and political equality on the other. The Arabs of Israel represent the most terrible threat to the intellectual stability of the western, modern Jew who so desperately created the myth in which he so desperately needed to believe, the myth that Judaism and democracy, Jewishness and Western values, are the same, are compatible, walk hand-in-hand. Of course that is nonsense, and Judaism and the very concept of a Jewish state differ radically totally, from Western civilization’s concept of democracy with its absolute political equality for all, regardless of religion or national background. And of course, that is horrible and a nightmare for the Western Jew. For if it is true that there is a contradiction here, then he must choose-and that is too unbearable. If it is true, then his life has been one huge intellectual lie-and that is anguish too awful to contemplate.
Sad. But it changes nothing. The truth remains. There is a basic, substantive contradiction between Judaism and Western culture, in entire areas of major ideas. And most specifically there is an unbridgeable conflict, utter contradiction, between Zionism, per Se, be it of the most secular or Left kind, and Western democracy.
Modern day Zionism arose in order to create a Jewish State. And a Jewish State was the dream of a people that had suffered unspeakable horrors and persecution as a minority in every land, and who now sought to cast off the role. The Jew no longer trusted the gentile, no longer sought tolerance for himself as a minority He wished to be a majority in his own land. That is Zionism, that is the concept of a Jewish State: A state in which the Jew will always control his own destiny will always be the captain of his own ship. And that can only be when and if the Jew is the majority. And so Zionism demands a permanent Jewish majority.
But that is not Western democracy. Western democracy is based on the concept of the equality of all people, of the right of one person to one vote-regardless of his ethnic, national or religious origin. According to Western democracy if the Arab will sit peacefully and quietly and become the majority, he has the absolute right to vote to shape the country in the way he sees fit, just as the Jews did when they were the majority. He can vote to change the character of Israel from a Jewish state to a Palestinian state, just as the Jews originally characterized it in the manner they saw fit. Under Zionism, of course, this is anathema. There can never be any change in Israel as the Jewish State, no matter what. It can never belong to the Arabs; it belongs to the Jewish people, including those of Boston.
Is there a contradiction between Zionism, Judaism, and a Jewish state on the one hand and Western democracy and equality for all people, on the other? Of course. And it is that terrible contradiction which can never be solved, that drives the schizophrenic Jew into spiritual agony and mental torture.
For years, he attempted to deceive the world, other Jews, himself into believing that democracy was compatible with Zionism. As long as the Arabs were few in numbers and backward, he succeeded. But that is long since gone. The Arab birthrate today is enormous. The mad Jew pays from National Insurance for each Arab baby born (until the age of 18, and one does not know whether to laugh or cry upon reading of the Israeli Bedouin Arab, father of 48 children-from six wiveswho collects 48 checks every month from suicidal Jews).
Meanwhile, Jews have 30,000 abortions a year and, in general, secular Jews have less children than required to regenerate the population, the average in North Tel Aviv’s liberal Ashkenazi area being 1.5 dogs to each child. And one adds to that the fact that Aliyah (immigration to Israel) is a total failure, a myth, with few Jews coming to Israel and many more leaving. (Indeed, the last weapon of Zionism is the US immigration quota. If the gates of America would be opened, hundreds of thousands of Israelis would be clamoring to enter the Golden Land. So much for the success of secular Zionism.)
The question is, what will happen in five years? Ten years? Twenty years? 1-low many Arabs will be living inside the Jewish State of Israel? I-low long will it remain the Jewish State of Israel? Know that already today the Galilee has a majority of Arabs. When one travels in the western Galilee, he is in an area that is more than 70% Arab. When one travels on the Acre-Safed road, except for Carmiel, there is not one sizeable Jewish settlement. The western Galilee is “Palestine”. Indeed, northern Israel, touching on Lebanon and Syria, is Israel’s budding Northern Ireland.
And what of the Triangle? Just behind the Israeli coastal plain, wherein live nearly Mo-third of Israel’s Jews, lies the Triangle. Just 10 kilometers from the coast, behind such Jewish cities as Petach Tikva and Kfar Saba and Ra’anana and Netanya and Herzylia, lies a total Arab mass. Towns and cities like Baka-alGarbia, Tayba, Tira, Kfar Kassem, the Wadi Ara area with its city of Um-alFaham (where the fundamentalist Moslems hold sway). More than 200,000 Israeli Arabs controlling the hinterland of the Israeli coast line.
And so, the fraud of the frenetic liberal-left axis. “Give up the territories so that we can have a Jewish Israel.” Aside from the obvious question to this “racist,” liberalleft cry, i.e.: “In a democratic humanist’s mind, what is the difference if the Arabs or Jews are the majority,” there is also the fraud that is blatant. Assuming that we do give up Judea-Samaria-Gaza-what does that gain us? Twenty years? For by then the Galilee and the Triangle will pose the same demographic threat as the territories do today. What do we do then? Give up the Galilee?
The Triangle? Shall we be left with a Jewish state on both sides of Tel Aviv’s Yarkon River? The Arabs of Israel wait, give birth, and hate. Let us end the nonsense of the myth of the “good Arab”.
Let us end the contempt of the Jew for the Arab that lies in the very question: “But are there no good Arabs?” How much contempt and shallowness lie in that absurd question! ‘Are there no good Arabs?” Of course, there are good Arabs. They are all good Arabs. The problem with liberal and leftist Jews is that they have not the slightest idea what a “good” Arab is. A good Arab is exactly like a good Jew. A good Jew is one who believes that Israel belongs to the Jewish people. Now you know what a good Arab is; yes, one who believes that it belongs to the Arab people. Why is the liberal Jew so obtuse? Clearly because he is too terrified to see the truth.
For years we deceived ourselves. For years, Jews would raise money at breakfasts, luncheons, dinners or suppers, by listening to some UJA or JNF functionary (or perhaps even an Israeli Cabinet Minister) proclaim: “We came to the land, found a desert and turned it into a garden” And Jews choked up and wrote checks in honor of the chalutzim (the pioneers) and others who drained swamps and cleared the wasteland. But if one were to attempt to tell that to an Arab, the latter would surely reply: “True. But it was my desert. Now it is your garden.”
How unpleasant, how unsettling, how agonizing to even semi-thinkers! But true. For years, the contempt of Jewish leftists and liberals for Arabs was stupefying. The myth of the happy Israeli Arab, so much better off than the Arabs of Iraq or Egypt. We have given them electricity and indoor toilets and now they sit happily Grateful. Loving us. What contempt! Is there one person with a shred of respect for himself who believes that Arabs will trade their national pride for electricity or indoor toilets? Not by bread alone does the Arab live. He is proud; he is a nationalist: and he believes that Jews are thieves-who stole his land. Is there one normal Jew who believes that there is even one Israeli Arab who enjoys living in a state that is called the “Jewish State?” The number of Arabs who enjoy that is exactly equal to the number of Jews who would enjoy it if America ever became a Christian State.
And is there even one Arab who enjoys singing his national anthem, Hatikva, with the words, “the soul of a Jew yearning”? How this speaks to him! And when it concludes with, “the hope of 2,000 years,” does the Arab break down and remember how his ancestors waited 2,000 years for the Jew to come home? Or does Hatikva mean “the dream”, and it was certainly that for the Jews. But for the Arab it was a nightmare. And on Independence Day in Israel, do Arabs rush happily into the streets to celebrate their defeat?
And yet, the terrified and shallow Jew persisted all these years in wishing to believe this nonsense. Either because he was too shallow to see the truth, or too frightened to wish to face it.
To believe that two people, both of whom claim title, ownership and sovereignty over a land, can live together without violence and bloodshed, is to fly in the face of reality All over the world national, ethnic, religious and language differences divide peoples and lead to war and bloodshed. In Northern Ireland, in Sri Lanka, in India, in Bulgaria, in Iraq, in the Philippines, in Senegal, in Tibet, in Spain, in Corsica, in Belgium, in tens of other places throughout the world, people who differ only in ethnicity or religion or language, are at each other’s throats. But liberals and leftists would have us believe that Jews and Arabs who differ in religion, national background, language, culture-everything-can share the land. Jews can live with Arabs who cannot live with themselves – Madness!
The truth is that the Arabs of Israel call themselves Palestinians, hate Israel, and wait for the moment of truth. Not only is their population growth enormous (even as entire cities like Acre, Jaffa, Lydda, Ramie, lower Haifa, become Arab) but thanks to the mad Jew, the Arab today is qualitatively different from his father and grandfather. From 110,000 mostly illiterate Arabs in 1948, thanks to the insanity of the Jews, there are now 750,000 educated ones. And one listens to the Cabinet Ministers and Knesset Members boasting of the educational progress they have given the Arabs, and we know that we are in the hands of madmen. We are proud that we have educated them? We beam at the thought that 4,000 Arabs study in Israel’s universities? Have we become total cretins? Who will be leaders of the PLO tomorrow if not the educated ones? Is it not obvious to all but the dullest of dullards that the revolution never comes from the numb and the dumb but rather from the educated? With our own hands and money (from the American Friends of Hebrew University or Tel Aviv U. or Haifa U. or Ben Gurion U.) we are creating the intellectual and political leaders who will attempt to wipe us out, Mind-boggling!

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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