Monthly Archives: November 2014

All Honorable Men Are Slaves To Higher Ethical Values

In Orthodox Judaism, we often speak about “eved HaShem” aka a slave of God. It’s a good thing. Judaism has complex views on slavery. In his book, Homo americanus: Child of the Postmodern Age, Tom Sunic writes: …[George Fitzhugh] understood … Continue reading

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Mark Twain: The Worst Loneliness Is To Be Not Comfortable With Yourself

I’ve struggled with feelings of loneliness throughout my life. This webinar explores the topic better than anything I’ve heard before. Alexandra Katehakis: * What does it feel like in my body to be alone now? Am I lonely because there … Continue reading

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How Is Putin’s Intervention In The Ukraine Any Different From America’s Monroe Doctrine?

From Wikipedia: “The Monroe Doctrine was a US foreign policy regarding Latin American countries in 1823. It stated that further efforts by European nations to colonize land or interfere with states in North or South America would be viewed as … Continue reading

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How Can Euro-Asian Males Build Self-Esteem?

Some mixed race kids have it tougher in life because they don’t have a clear identity and a clear in-group. So they have more mental problems. Post: Being Eurasian Male has completely destroyed my self-esteem and sense of self-worth. I … Continue reading

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‘Buy The Toxic Assets!’

I enjoy listening to Econ Talk by my former UCLA professor, Russell Roberts, the famed economist who helped inspire my conversion to Orthodox Judaism. Roberts is a model interviewer. Listening to him reminds me of all the long talks we … Continue reading

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