Monthly Archives: October 2014

More Immigrants Please!

I wonder who was the nurse who screwed up here? Mr. Duncan may have become infected after his landlord’s daughter fell gravely ill. On Sept 15, Mr. Duncan helped his landlord and his landlord’s son carry the stricken woman … Continue reading

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Dodgers Adjust Their Playoff Schedule To Cause Minimum Conflict With Yom Kippur

The Dodgers are playing early on Friday (3:30 p.m. PDT) and late on Saturday (6:30 p.m. PDT). Do you think the Dodgers would do this if there was not a sizable Jewish population in Los Angeles and in the media … Continue reading

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Smart People Can Be Cruel, But Only Smart People Can Create A Good Prosperous Society

Hong Kong has about the highest IQ of any nation, so when they riot, they don’t loot. Same with Japan and Korea. Not so much with African countries and the Philippines, etc. Chaim: “High IQ or not, the Japanese were … Continue reading

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Blacks Protest Whites Moving Into Harlem

Are whites allowed to protest when blacks move into their historic neighborhoods? Do only blacks have legitimate interests? Do only whites not have legitimate interests as a group? Notice that as whites move into Harlem, Harlem gets safer. Who would … Continue reading

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