Monthly Archives: September 2014

Fetishes Are Progressive

Alcohol in the hands of the non-alcoholic is a great way to enhance life. In the hands of the alcoholic, it is a great way to extinguish life. Similarly, fetishes for the non-addict may be the spice of life, but … Continue reading

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Why Are Jews So Successful?

Jews outperform their IQs (while Latinos tend to underperform their IQs and blacks perform in line with their IQs). Why? Part of the answer is that Jewish life is the single best way to lead a life (measured by any … Continue reading

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Should I Grieve James Foley and Steven Sotloff?

If you deliberately travel to a bad place and then bad things happen to you there, am I supposed to be surprised and shocked and saddened? Visiting Syria is a deliberate dance with the devil. Who asked you to risk … Continue reading

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Why Don’t Good People Want To Ride Public Transport In Los Angeles?

This story never mentions race, which is probably the biggest reason people avoid Metro. Most people don’t want to mix with people who are different from them, particularly if the different are in a lower social class, particularly if they’re … Continue reading

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ISIS Would Be Little Danger To America If We Took Prudent Precautions With Our Borders

The United States government is a biggest danger to America than ISIS because we allow open borders, forbid criminal profiling by race and religion, and we treat every group as equally likely to contribute to our society (when statistics show … Continue reading

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