Monthly Archives: April 2014

What’s The Point Of Group Pride?

Many of my friends say they don’t get racial pride. Why be proud of an accident of birth? I get it. I too felt disgust for “white pride” and “black pride” and “brown pride” and “gay pride,” though I did … Continue reading

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Feel Your Feelings!

LCSW Kathy Henry says: Do you really feel your feelings? Do you allow yourself to feel the depths of your emotions? My guess is, probably not. There is a lot at stake!! If you allow yourself to be open and … Continue reading

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I Have A Plan

I have a plan to save the United States and the West. It is called nationalism — meaning that people should organize in their group interest. Americans should support the end of affirmative action/quotas/set-asides as well as freedom of association, … Continue reading

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Do morality and conscience require the ability for abstract thought (ie, an IQ north of 90)?

The higher the IQ, for instance, the more clearly a person can recall the past and see into the future, to use the subjunctive (if everyone does what I am about to do, the world will be a better or … Continue reading

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She Turned Out To Be In Her 70s!

So, a friend of mine my age, answered a singles ad on Craigslist and talked to the woman and she turned out to be in her 70s! On the positive side, she’s in Fleetwood Mac. Yes, a friend of mine. … Continue reading

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