Monthly Archives: December 2013

Why Should America Be Obsessed With Israel’s Safety?

Why should America be any more concerned with Israel than with Taiwan or other outlying democracies surrounded by tyrants? I’m forgetting why it is in America’s strategic interest to make Israel central to its concerns. I’m Jewish and I support … Continue reading

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AIDS In Africa

PR exec Justine Sacco was fired for tweeting: “Going to Africa. Hope I don’t get AIDS. Just kidding. I’m white!” She just happened to tell the truth. Whites are at much less at risk of getting AIDS or any STD … Continue reading

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What Is ‘Call of the Shofar’?

The program “Call of the Shofar” is an Orthodox Jewish version of EST aka Landmark Forum. It is popular with many Lubavitchers and is a form of LGAT – Large Group Awareness Therapy. As such, it is very dangerous, according … Continue reading

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Big hips on a woman frighten me

* Sometimes I’ll be all entranced by a woman’s face and personality and then my eyes drift down and I get scared by the width. I’ve met women in bad light, been intrigued by her pretty face and nice manner, … Continue reading

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What Causes Homosexuality?

Therapist Mark E. Smith: “Every homosexual man I’ve known was abandoned by his father. You will not meet a homosexual man who was emotionally close with his father growing up. Every one I’ve known was enmeshed with a woman, be … Continue reading

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