Monthly Archives: December 2013

Were Blacks Better Off Under Jim Crow Laws?

On Friday, I posted to FB: “Phil Robertson stood tall for his beliefs [about homosexuality] and A&E caved.” My friend Michael responded: “Phil’s “beliefs” include black people supposedly enjoying living under racist Jim Crow laws.” Michael, Phil didn’t give any … Continue reading

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The Layers Of Resentment

Therapist Jerry Wise says: “Your ability to let go of resentment has a lot to do with what you learned in your family of origin.” Even if we are not conscious of our resentments, they take a toll on us, … Continue reading

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Do YOU have text claw or iPosture? Expert reveals the 21st century ailments caused by smartphones and tablets

The Daily Mail reports: Do YOU have text claw or iPosture? Expert reveals the 21st century ailments caused by smartphones and tablets Smartphone users check their phones 150 times a day on average Phone addicts are often easily distracted, suffer … Continue reading

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Was God The First Alexander Technique Teacher?

Throughout the Bible, God berates the Israelites as “stiff-necked” people. Here are some examples: Exodus 32, verses 9, 10: The Lord said to Moses, “I see this is a stiff necked people. Now let Me be, that my anger may … Continue reading

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If You Own A Dance Club, Should You Put A Mezuzah On The Door?

Rob Abner blogs: “Another time a Hasidic Jew came into the club and asked me if there was a private room. I told him there were private rooms for lap dances. He said, no, he needed a private room to … Continue reading

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