Daily Archives: September 1, 2013

I Love It When A Chick Makes The First Move

I’m an anxious insecure personality. The outside world is a scary place and at social events, I’m often dying to get away. And then a tall black chick walks up to me with kinky hair and gleaming teeth and she … Continue reading

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What Has The Alexander Technique Done For Me?

Most Alexander Technique teachers are kind and considerate. They enjoy devoting themselves to a helping profession. They’re rarely provocateurs. What happened to me? What has the Alexander Technique done for me? I’m obviously an odd ball in the profession. I’m … Continue reading

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I Met This Girl

In 2001, I met this Latina Jewish girl at a succah party. After some talking, I walked her to her car and made out with her. We made plans to meet the next day, a chag (holy day), for lunch … Continue reading

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The Jewish Holidays And Secure Attachment

Rosh Hashanah begins Wednesday evening. For the next three days, I’ll be off-line. I won’t be going to work. I won’t be answering my phone. I won’t be updating my blog or my Facebook. Most people who try to reach … Continue reading

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New Age Flavor Of The Month Byron Katie

Vlinden posts: After reading about Byron Katie on this board, I was interested to see her in action. Here is a link showing a session with an Israeli woman who tells Katie that she’s afraid of war. I’ve never seen … Continue reading

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