Lag B’Omer Parade

Dear mom: Today is the Jewish holiday of Lag B’Omer and there was a big parade and concert, closing off a main street by where I live and a thousand Orthodox Jews in attendance. I hung out for 2.5 hours, clasping a book, had a few mini conversations. I got a sun burn, first time I’ve had that in memory. Then I got home for my banana protein shake smoothie lunch and my normal solitary life on the computer writing and emailing and Facebooking.

Orthodox Judaism is good for me in the sense that there are so many ways to connect with people, but everyone is married with kids, and so I stand out as a freak in that category and many others.

Talked in shul yesterday with a guy who works with troubled teens. We hit it off. I’m a 47 year old troubled teen with typical teeny problems.

My wallet never showed up. I go to get a replacement driver’s license tomorrow and my CCs should show up in the mail over the next two weeks.

I’m paying all my bills and saving up to take another writing class when I can. It’s great having that once a week to look forward to and to show off in.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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