Daily Archives: February 16, 2013

Bike Lanes Are Constricting Car Traffic In LA

As bike lanes spring up all over LA, they restrict the room for cars. Far more people drive than bike, so as a result of these lanes, traffic is constricted. It’s bloody stupid. I hate bicyclists on the streets. They … Continue reading

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Go West!

I listen to this song over and over and memorize the lyrics and march out into the world singing “Go West” and then when things don’t work out, when I don’t get the exact foods I was hoping for, no … Continue reading

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My best friend Jim* walks by

Kiddish Club. While the haftorah (prophetic portion) is chanted inside, I’m standing outside in the sun with my black-suited back against a white wall. A group of men gathers around the whiskey, fish and crackers, listening to a brief d’var … Continue reading

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