Monthly Archives: September 2012

The Upward Sloping Elevator

I was 22 years old and on a downward slide (sunk in sex and love addiction without even having sex or love) when I first heard Dennis Prager talk about Judaism in August 1988. As the months went by, my … Continue reading

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‘We Just Want Different Things’

More than a decade ago, I met this girl Jana*, a former cheerleader, who was out of my league. She worked for a major studio while I was an independent blogger. She had degrees from Harvard and Stanford while I … Continue reading

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New York Girls

I never thought much about New York until I got into Judaism. Then I discovered that New York was the center of Jewish life (at least outside of Israel). From 1989-1993, I was largely bedridden by Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and … Continue reading

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Child Molester Posters All Over LINK

There are posters all over the LINK shul today warning about some alleged child molester named “Eli XXXXX”, and then listing “” as the source for more information. I haven’t had anything to do with since 2001 and I … Continue reading

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Eating Between Meals

When it comes to looking at religions different from your own, remember that what matters to you is usually peripheral to others. For Christians, Jesus Christ is central but nobody else cares who he was. For Jews, Torah is central, … Continue reading

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