Daily Archives: September 2, 2012

New York Girls

I never thought much about New York until I got into Judaism. Then I discovered that New York was the center of Jewish life (at least outside of Israel). From 1989-1993, I was largely bedridden by Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and … Continue reading

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Child Molester Posters All Over LINK

There are posters all over the LINK shul today warning about some alleged child molester named “Eli XXXXX”, and then listing “lukeford.com” as the source for more information. I haven’t had anything to do with lukeford.com since 2001 and I … Continue reading

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Eating Between Meals

When it comes to looking at religions different from your own, remember that what matters to you is usually peripheral to others. For Christians, Jesus Christ is central but nobody else cares who he was. For Jews, Torah is central, … Continue reading

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How Much Crazy Can I Tolerate In A Woman?

A friend says: Unless a man is wealthy and or famous, it simply is not rational for a fertile young woman to want to be with him past a certain age. The question is, what level of crazy can you … Continue reading

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We’re All Role Models

I remember when I did this weekly Torah Talks show with another bachelor, Rabbi Rabbs. We had a regular viewer, a college student and Orthodox Jew, who told us once, “When I grow up, I want to be like you … Continue reading

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