Monthly Archives: December 2011

‘His feuds were many and slashing’

I remember my therapist saying me after I had created another ruckus, “I don’t think you even want to change.” From the New York Times, a review of a new book on historian Hugh Trevor-Roper: Among his antagonists was Evelyn … Continue reading

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Even Rabbis Like Tim Tebow

I have never seen a phenomenon in sports like Tim Tebow. And that he is such a genuinely good person is a bonus. He reminds me a little bit of Steve Young who was the only professional athlete during my … Continue reading

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How Is Alexander Technique Different From Chiropractic?

As I mention my new Alexander Technique teaching practice to my friends, they keep asking me how is this different from what chiropractors do. That’s easy. A chiropractor fixes you. Does stuff to you. Cracks you. You are passive. You … Continue reading

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Pre-Marital Sex Story Shakes Up YU

This controversy illustrates something I love about Orthodox Judaism — it makes more of life significant. Most communities would not become aghast at a story about pre-marital sex, but in Orthodox Judaism it is a shanda. Those Jews who take … Continue reading

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Another Orthodox Jewish Sex Abuse Scandal In New York

The New York Post reports: He looks like a movie star, but many members of Brooklyn’s Jewish community believe he is a monster. Andrew Goodman, 27, who worked for Jewish social-service agencies, is charged with sexually abusing two Orthodox boys … Continue reading

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