Monthly Archives: July 2011

David Brooks Discusses His New Book, The Social Animal: The Hidden Sources of Love, Character, and Achievement

Dennis Prager interviewed David Brooks today about his new book. Dennis: “What’s the best childhood?” David: “An orderly childhood and firmly attached. You don’t have to be a super mom and dad to raise a decent kid. You’ve got to … Continue reading

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More Orthodox Violence in the News

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Is Suffering Good?

I’m reading the superb book Ayn Rand and the World She Made by Anne Conover Heller. Ayn Rand never liked to acknowledge that she was Jewish. Ayn considered herself an atheist and no part of the Jewish people. In 1940, … Continue reading

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Economist Thomas Sowell Publishes New New Book – Economic Facts and Fallacies: Second Edition

Here’s the new book on Dr. Tom Sowell was on Dennis Prager’s radio show today. Dennis: “Are we headed towards Greece [style bankruptcy]?” Tom: “Yes.” “The debt ceiling has not limited debt. It provides political cover for presidents to … Continue reading

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Anything Wrong With A Girl Going For Drinks With A Married Guy?

Men and women who spend a lot of time alone together (or just having private conversations on Facebook or at a bar or a restaurant) are likely to cross the line from just being friends to more. Therefore, in my … Continue reading

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