Monthly Archives: July 2011

Dennis Prager Does Not Accept The Divinity Of The Oral Law

Speaking October 28, 2010 at Temple Israel Ner Tamid in Cleveland, Dennis said: “Why didn’t I accept full Orthodoxy with the oral law? When I was in yeshiva, I asked my rabbis in sixth grade, if God gave a written … Continue reading

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Is There Free Will?

I had this discussion with a friend recently. “Right here and now,” I said, “in the moment, I feel like I have free will, but when I look back at my life, everything seems fated. Given who I was at … Continue reading

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Why Do Men Cheat?

Dennis Prager and Rabbi Shmuley discuss: Should wives be grateful when their husbands are faithful? Dennis replied to a question from Lisa Oz: “It gives you an idea of how close my wife and I are that I can say … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager Interviewed

In an April 2010 appearance at Stephen S. Wise temple, Dennis said to interviewer and rabbi David Woznica: “When God gave out urges, the urge to power was not given to me. I have zero desire to have any power … Continue reading

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The Conscientious Objector

I just watched this documentary about Medal of Honor winner Desmond Doss, a Seventh-Day Adventist hero from my childhood. And I felt split. My heart warmed to his story but my head said that if more people were pacifists like … Continue reading

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