Monthly Archives: April 2011


I just interviewed novelist Diana Spechler about her new book on a fat farm and I’m just dying to stuff my face with wholewheat matza, cream cheese and chocolate spread while watching Winds of War on Netflix and sipping milk.

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Like Keith Richards

Khunrum emails: I’m listening to Keith’s Richard’s autobiography on CDs whilst I walk away the miles at 24 Hour Fitness. He reminisces about hearing Muddy Waters on record and a few years later the thrill of playing with him. I … Continue reading

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Controversy over Wiesenthal Center’s honoring Tom Cruise as humanitarian

Michael Barger emails: Hi Luke! I don’t know if you have heard but the Wiesenthal Center in LA is honoring Tom Cruise with a swank Hollywood fund raising dinner on May 5 and will present its Humanitarian Award to Tom … Continue reading

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Tipped Back

Before Alexander Technique, I tended to tip way back from my hips and compress my lower back. I still have this habit, it’s just not as severe. Here I am in October of 2007 interviewing actress Charley Chase:

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The Efficiency Of Sex

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager had relationships expert Alison Armstrong on for an hour. Alison: “I was talking to a woman yesterday who had been married for a year. I heard from remarks her husband made that they … Continue reading

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