Monthly Archives: March 2011

The Biggest Threat To Liberty In The World Today

Since the fall of communism in Europe, political Islam (think Iran, Saudi Arabia, the Taliban, Al Qaeda) has emerged as the biggest threat to human rights around the world. On his radio show Wednesday, Dennis Prager said: “Those who want … Continue reading

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What About The Children?

From Wednesday, March 09, 2011 Radio Show 20110309 – 01 The Children, the Children Prager H1: President Obama won’t cut any funds for education. We have to invest in our children, he insists . How about leaving our children … Continue reading

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I Just Broke Shomer And It Felt So Good!

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Google Page Rank

I just did a check on the Google juice of various websites: 6 5 6 7 7 7 6 5 Hirhurim: 5 5

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A Rabbi’s Take On Charlie Sheen

Watch the whole show:

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