Monthly Archives: March 2011

Women who post lots of photos of themselves on Facebook value appearance, need attention, study find

Here’s the key graph: “The people who tended to base their self worth on things like academic competence, family love and support, and being a virtuous or moral person spent less time online and showed less interest in attention-seeking through … Continue reading

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Should We Yawn Over Islamic Assassination Of US Troops?

Brent Bozell writes: On March 2, two U.S airmen, Nicholas Alden and Zachary Cuddeback, were gunned down at the airport in Frankfurt, Germany. Two other Americans were wounded. The assailant was a radical Muslim. This was a huge story to … Continue reading

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Hysteria On Left About Peter King Hearings On Radical Islam In America

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said: “There’s nothing anti-Muslim about it. A lot of Muslims have said it is a good opportunity to clear the air. That’s what America is about — clearing the air. “The Left is … Continue reading

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Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Bacca Supports CAIR

From the Los Angeles Times: Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca shot back at a congressman who warned him during a congressional hearing Thursday that a Muslim group the sheriff supports is affiliated with terrorists and is “using” him. The … Continue reading

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Rewarding Great Teachers

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker writes in the Wall Street Journal: In 2010, Megan Sampson was named an Outstanding First Year Teacher in Wisconsin. A week later, she got a layoff notice from the Milwaukee Public Schools. Why would one of … Continue reading

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