Daily Archives: February 14, 2011

The Disfigured Man In Saigon

Dennis Prager posts on his FB page: I need to tell you about this photo. It is quite a story. On Thursday late afternoon, I returned to the ship, while Allen and my wife Sue decided to walk around an … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager Returns To The Air After A Two Week Vacation

From DennisPrager.com: Monday, February 14, 2011 Radio Show H1: Back in the USA Prager H1: Dennis returns from his two week listener cruise with thoughts on travel and the evils of communism… What are the chances of a good outcome … Continue reading

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Luke Ford Torah Study Doll Hits 10,000 Units Sold!

Shomerica, America’s number one company for products for the Orthodx Jewish Shomer community is pleased to announce it has shipped 10,000 units of its Luke Ford Torah Study Companion Doll. “Our demographic research showed that many Shomer Jews sought Torah … Continue reading

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You Know You’re A Yeshiva Dropout When…

Sol Auerbach writes to Heshy Fried: ‎1) you almost forget that sex is in any way “bad” 2) you worry more about your health then your frumkeit 3) you stop pushing things off a half hour “because you must daven … Continue reading

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