Daily Archives: February 1, 2011

Put Leftist Speech In The Crosshairs

Dennis Prager writes: The most common left-wing objection to the right is that it wants to control others’ lives. But, both in America and elsewhere, the threat to personal liberty has emanated far more from the left. In the past … Continue reading

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Studying Torah With Girlz

Late at night, I like to put on my BeeGees Greatest Hits CD and remember happier days when my hovel was filled with beautiful young women talking Torah:

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I Have A Come To Jesus Talk With Rabbs About My Beard

Watch the whole thing! I discuss the weekly Torah portion with Rabbi Rabbs every Monday at 7pm PST on my live cam and YouTube. This week’s parasha is Terumah (Exodus 25:1-27:19). * We discuss my Saturday night interview with Heshy … Continue reading

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Heshy Fried Visits LA

Watch our interviews. Heshy writes on FrumSatire.net: The Happy Minyan was the happiest shul I’ve ever been to, everyone was hugging, dancing and smiling the whole time – it wasn’t just about the post lecha dodi dancing, this was full … Continue reading

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I Try To Bait Rabbs About Heshy Fried

Watch the whole thing!

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