Daily Archives: February 17, 2011

Dancing With The Rabbis

Oh man, I want to go to this so bad. Who wants to buy me a ticket? Mixed-dancing is one of the big no-nos of Orthodox Judaism, but not of Conservative Judaism as this email from AJU (the West Coast … Continue reading

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Al Jazeera Silent On Lara Logan Attack

From the Washington Post: “I was curious how they would handle the Lara Logan incident,” Chamberlain continued. “Go here http://english.aljazeera.net/ and search ‘Lara Logan.’ ” When you do it, your reaction might be the same as mine to Chamberlain, “um…..crickets.” … Continue reading

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Unanswered Questions In The Attack On Lara Logan

A group of women rescued her with the help of the Egyptian army? Where was the army while the attack was going on? Who were the 200 men who attacked Lara Logan? The story from CBS News seems inadequate to … Continue reading

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The Multi-Billion Dollar Pigford Reparations Fraud

My friend Andrew Breitbart has been investigating this story for months. The National Review reports: Though Breitbart says the biggest revelations are yet to come, he has coauthored a report detailing some of the crime that has been directly tied … Continue reading

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The Lucrative Business Of Importing Cheap Labor From Overseas

There are legal ways to bring in cheap labor from overseas to do brutal work for low wages. Immigration attorneys typically earn at least $10,000 per immigrant (because the application process is labor-intensive). Unskilled immigrants typically work for close to … Continue reading

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