Monthly Archives: February 2011

Before Alexander Technique, I Was A Nervous Wreck

From May 30, 2008:

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Kabbalist Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay Lohan has been studying kabbalah for years. She even wears that red string on her wrist. She was spotted in the parking lot of the Jewish Learning Academy for Rosh Hashanah two years ago. She’s sought counsel from the … Continue reading

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Jewish News

From TorahMusings: ▪ Rabbis Address Brain Death Issues ▪ Those killer website comments ▪ Yeshiva fair is a bastion for Jewish books of the printed variety ▪ Interior Ministry gets tough on int’l Orthodox conversions ▪ Army Geirus – Psak … Continue reading

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Egyptians Want To Be Free!

Dictator Hosni Mubarak has stepped down in Egypt. It appears the military is taking over. The military can be expected to retain the peace deal with Israel and to stay an ally of the United States. I feel like that … Continue reading

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My Favorite Boss Died

The spring semester of 1986 was a miserable one for me. I caught mono just before the Super Bowl and it dragged me down for the next four months. After school finished in June, I had but a B average. … Continue reading

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