Daily Archives: January 26, 2011

The Dangers Of The Gay Lifestyle

Here’s a video from a full-time Torah student:

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The Jewish Rapper Etan G Responds To Rabbi Rabbs

Rabbi Rabbs goes off on rap here and here (the first three videos) in response to my interview of Etan G. Etan responds: He is misguided. I don’t like much rap either. It’s not he doesn’t like rap and I … Continue reading

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My 1993 Reform Conversion

I was talking to an acquaintance who tells me: “There’s a guy who looks exactly like you in Sacramento who says that he sat on the Beit Din for your Reform conversion. He’s from the middle of nowhere and he’s … Continue reading

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My Last Vacation

It was in May of 2007. Here’s video of me on the drive to Fort Bragg:

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The Government Never Spends

From DennisPrager.com: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 Radio Show H1: The Government Never Spends… Prager H1: It only “invests.” Dennis analyzes President Obama State of the Union Address. It was back to the “We aren’t red states or blue states, we’re … Continue reading

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