Monthly Archives: November 2010

I Wonder How The Jewish Journal Feels About The Election?

Here’s the headline on right now: “GOP sweep makes one Jew a star, unseats and disempowers many others” You can’t make this up. They want to portray the Republican victories as disempowering Jews. Yeah, we’re all walking around America … Continue reading

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LA’s Global Day Of Jewish Learning Canceled

I’m the target demographic for these events. I love anything limmud. For many years, I went to UCLA Hillel’s day of learning during Passover. I love to learn Torah with the community. I’m a natural for these things. I went … Continue reading

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Are People Basically Good?

Dennis Prager writes: If my mail is any indication, I suspect I aroused considerably more anger among Jews by arguing that man is not basically good (and that the belief in man’s innate goodness is neither rational nor Jewish) than … Continue reading

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Braving The Ghetto Wendy’s

> Student editor regrets “ghetto Wendy’s” remark > Read her apology || “Outraged” student’s letter Report: Bomgardner’s editorial centered around a universally feminist request: She wants to be able to get her Number 11 with honey barbecue from the “ghetto … Continue reading

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Torah Talk Highlights!

Watch the whole thing! R. Rabbs and I have disciples who copy down everything we say on Torah Talks. Hundreds of years from now, thousands of yeshiva students will study our every word, recognizing in them a great leap forward … Continue reading

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