Monthly Archives: June 2010

Newsweek’s List Of Top 50 Rabbis

Here you go. The list seems silly to me. The leader of the Reform movement, Eric Yoffie, at number two? He’s retiring. “5.David Saperstein—Having just completed his term as the only rabbi serving on President Obama’s White House Office of … Continue reading

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Taking Strong Views

Dennis Prager says in his 15th lecture on Deuteronomy (2003) that he teaches to no particular group. “Most people who take positions have a specific group they appeal to. My appeal is to people individually than groupwise. Most people teaching … Continue reading

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Gershon Hepner’s New Book

Anon writes: About the time Dr. Gershon Hepner returned to prison life, his new book of Torah commentary was published (Legal Friction: Law, Narrative, and Identity Politics in Biblical Israel). In this book, he takes many stands that would qualify … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager: When Will American Blacks No Longer Be Angry?

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager says: Americans voted for Barack Obama hoping to get rid of [racial] tension “that mostly blacks feel. “In the opinion of most Americans, there is far more anger from blacks towards whites than … Continue reading

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This Week’s Torah Portion Is Pinchas

I will discuss parsha Pinchas live on my cam starting at 1:15 PM PST Tuesday with Rabbi Rabbs. Rabbi Ari Kahn writes: Sometimes, biblical stories are complex or densely and intricately woven; other times, the storyline seems straightforward, morally unequivocal, … Continue reading

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