Monthly Archives: June 2010

Dennis Prager Delivers The 7th Annual Ariel Avrech Memorial Lecture

Who was Ariel Avrech? 10 a.m. Young Israel of Century City (YICC). I walk in clutching a copy of the new novel — By Fire, By Water — written by Mitchell James Kaplan. I flip to the first page, which … Continue reading

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Rabbi Rabbs – Stuck Being Jewish

The whole megillah. “I can write stuff. Part of the reason is that you can do it and you don’t have to talk to anybody. You can do it in your room with your door locked. I was a loner, … Continue reading

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Jewish Las Vegas – Cincinnati version

Tom Ficara emails: Hi Luke: The national Jewish Federation victims of Elliot Karp are now being head from. With our Las Vegas Jewish Federation video interviews finished, Las Vegas Justice Bureau host Ron Futrell and I will be heading to … Continue reading

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The Gadolim Stand Behind Rabbi Rabbs

The whole thing. Rabbi Rabbs: “I don’t want kids. I’d be a terrible parent just like my parents.” “I am strongly against child abuse. That’s my big ticket item… I see myself as a leader in standing up against child … Continue reading

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I Want To Do Quality Streams

I want a higher quality streaming thingy from my hovel so that when I interview people, everyone can hear it live. What do I need to do to make this happen? I’d like to do a weekly live cam parsha … Continue reading

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