Monthly Archives: March 2010

Good Reviews On Steven Weil’s Stewardship Of Orthodox Union

Rabbi Weil has been running the OU for about 18 months. I’m hearing: Weil is doing exceptionally well at the OU. His strong organizational skills, exceptional speaking and teaching talents and leadership abilities have all come to the fore.

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Why Do American Jews Support Bigger Government?

Dennis Prager writes: One day, the descendants of this generation of American Jews will regret what their ancestors supported. As difficult as it is for many Jews to imagine, American Jews will not be on the left forever. Two hundred … Continue reading

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Journalists Love Indifference

There’s no emotional quality that journalists prize more in their subjects than indifference. When you deal with people who react in a volatile way to what you write about them, you can’t help but think they are emotionally weak. Think … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager Feeling More European

On his radio show Monday, Dennis said: “On the day after the darkest day in my lifetime. Obviously 9/11 was so dark in pure human tragedy, but it didn’t weaken America. In terms of weakening America, yesterday was by far … Continue reading

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The Burden Of Publicly Identifying With A Group

One of my Facebook friends wrote: “Irony of the day: I just got cut off (and almost had an accident) by a car that has “Jesus says repent your sins” written in English and Hebrew on the rear windshield. Mr … Continue reading

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