Daily Archives: November 12, 2009

Pico-Robertson In The 1960s

It was populated with faux yeshivas to get Orthodox Jews out of the Vietnam draft. By 1980, there were only two Orthodox synagogues in the community — Young Israel of South Beverly Hills and Beth Jacob. There wasn’t a kosher … Continue reading

Posted in Beth Jacob, Bnai David-Judea, Hancock Park, Haredi, Harkham Hillel, Pico/Robertson, R. Kalman Topp, YICC | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Pico-Robertson In The 1960s

Who Is A Jew?

From Hirhurim: Israel displays ancient coins: link Boxer studying to be a rabbi: link When is a rabbi not a rabbi?: link 1890s style back in fashion: link Protests expected against Intel’s opening its Jerusalem office on Shabbos: link The … Continue reading

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An Original Mind At Beth Jacob

Rabbi Kalman Topp is giving a bunch of classes at Beth Jacob and he prepares original content for each one (just like the rabbis at Bnai David and the rabbi at YICC much of the time). Rabbi Topp is fluent … Continue reading

Posted in Beth Jacob, R. Gershon Bess, R. Steven Weil, RCC | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on An Original Mind At Beth Jacob

David Rubin Donated To Al Sharpton

David Rubin was the chair of the Yavneh Yeshiva school board. He also donated money to the notorious race-baiter and anti-Semite Al Sharpton: White also asked Rubin to donate money to the 2004 presidential campaign of Reverend Al Sharpton. Public … Continue reading

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I Drive Through Santa Barbara IV

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