Monthly Archives: May 2009

Will The Spinka Hasidim Scandal Slow Down The Money Laundering Rampant In Orthodox Yeshivas?

You would think the Spinka downfall would have put it to a stop. I’ve heard that even though only a few people have been named so far in that case, there is a long list of major donors in the … Continue reading

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Jack Kemp – The Biggest Political Disappointment Of My Lifetime

Jack Kemp was my teenage dream of a politician in the early 1980s but then he never blossomed. He never accomplished anything. He just went flat. He was a complete bust as Bob Dole’s running mate in 1996. Alan Steinberg … Continue reading

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Beth Am Chooses Elliot Dorff’s Son-In-Law As New Rabbi

Rabbi Dr. Elliot Dorff is the rector at American Jewish University and a key member of Temple Beth Am (he’s a regular at the Library Minyan downstairs). Scores of Conservative rabbis were inspired to take up their calling by Elliot … Continue reading

Posted in Beth Am, Conservative Judaism, R. Adam Kligfeld, R. Elliot N. Dorff, Rabbis | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Beth Am Chooses Elliot Dorff’s Son-In-Law As New Rabbi

She Put Her Hands Over Her Ears

I was reciting kiddish Friday night with great fervor and this woman put her hands over her ears. Oy vey! Maybe I should ask Rabbi Y.Y. Rubinstein for help with my kiddish singing.

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Actress Brenda Dickson Sends Me A Threatening Letter

I got this fax today (I’ve left the spelling errors intact): Luke, My name is Brenda Dickson of email You are illegally running a picture of me on your cite — to advertise! I charge $10,000 a day for … Continue reading

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