Daily Archives: November 28, 2007

Mikulski and Foley become newest congressional targets as FMA vote nears

Adrian Blue writes for the gay newspaper the Washington Blade July 9, 2004: …Not likely, say Mike Rogers and John Aravosis, the two men loosely heading an ongoing outing campaign on the Hill. As the date nears for a Senate … Continue reading

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The Outings Are Coming

Thomas Nephew writes July 7, 2004: One example from 1996: When Congress was considering the now-enacted and still-vile Defense of Marriage Act, which put the US government firmly in the camp of anti-GLBT discriminators, Sen. Barbara Mikulski(D-MD) made a speech … Continue reading

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Hillary’s Lesbian Rumors

Jim Miller writes: Would it make a difference, politically, if it were widely believed?  Probably.  But not necessarily.  When Linda Chavez tried to use Barbara Mikulski’s affair with an Australian lesbian against her in the 1986 senate election, she had … Continue reading

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The Big Clinton Story

Bill Robinson writes: I’ve just spent two weeks traveling and speaking with media elites in L.A., Chicago, NYC, and D.C. and among other things, I was repeatedly told that The New York Times and The L.A. Times are "sitting on … Continue reading

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Ex Wonkette Blogger Turns Up at AOL.com

From BigHeadDC: "Much to the chagrin of several recently laid-off AOL staffers, former Wonkette editor Ken Layne is now freelancing a column called “Outrage!” for AOL.com. Several permanent AOL staffers have been replaced by temp workers, like Layne." Contrary to … Continue reading

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