Monthly Archives: November 2007

Jconnect LA: The Tie That Binds Our L.A. Jewish Community

Rebecca Mandel writes in The Jewish Press: “You don’t have to be a rabbi, president of a large corporation, or work for some big company or the federation to make a difference in this world. You just have to have … Continue reading

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A Modern Marketplace for Israel’s Ultra-Orthodox

Steven Erlanger writes: BEIT SHEMESH, Israel — When Larry Pinczower switches on his cellphone, the seal of a rabbinate council appears. Unable to send text messages, take photographs or connect to the Internet, his phone is a religiously approved adaptation … Continue reading

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Is Hillary’s Aide Huma Abedin An Agent Of Saudi Intelligence?

Paul Sperry’s book, Infiltration: How Muslim Spies and Subversives have Penetrated Washington sounds like it is worth a read. From the April 1, 2007 New York Observer: Assistant Secretary of State Dina Habib Powell, a 33-year-old who was born in … Continue reading

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How To Fill The Hole In Your Soul – An Interview With Therapist Donna Burstyn

Video: Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six Her practice is in Beverly Hills. 310-859-9007, Luke: "Donna, why did you become a therapist?" Donna: "I was born to be a therapist. I was always … Continue reading

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RiShawn Biddle Fired From The Indianapolis Star

I knew RiShawn when he lived in Los Angeles and interviewed him Feb. 25, 2003. I once wrote that he was the only darkie in a room of pale faces (at a panel at AFI). He reproved me for the … Continue reading

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