Daily Archives: October 25, 2007

Blue Shield Of CA Wins Appeal

Blue Shield of California just won an appeal against the California Association of Realtors. In April, an LA judge had blocked Blue Shield from cancelling health insurance coverage for its 8,000 members and their families. The appeals court overturned the … Continue reading

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Wellcare Health Plans Raided

FBI agents with state investigators raided the Florida heaquarters of Wellcare Health Plans this morning. Medicare HMO Fraud suspected. Wellcare is not saying anything. Its stock tanked. Medicare fraud enforcement is becoming a hot issue. From the WSJ: State and … Continue reading

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How Come Southern California’s Evacuees Display Such A Different Attitude?

Governor Schwarzenegger told Geraldo Rivera of Fox News Thursday morning it was because of the lessons learned from Katrina. I don’t buy that though it’s clear that Southern Californians got a higher quality of government response. The Katrina crowd seemed … Continue reading

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Where Sin Abounds, Grace Abounds More

Ex-hooker Annie Lambert blogs: A few months ago I spent some real quality time with my awesome new friends from the 700 club….running around the Las Vegas Vally and beyond! The 700 club in Las Vegas??? Come on Annie…NO WAY. … Continue reading

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Facing Competition, iTunes Revs Up Its Film Section

From the New York Times: …Tiffany Shlain, whose Sundance documentary short on Jewish Americans, “The Tribe,” went up on iTunes on Oct. 2 — and quickly cracked the Top 10 shorts— said that iTunes had actually made it advantageous, in … Continue reading

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