Where Sin Abounds, Grace Abounds More

Ex-hooker Annie Lambert blogs:

A few months ago I spent some real quality time with my awesome new friends from the 700 club….running around the Las Vegas Vally and beyond!

The 700 club in Las Vegas??? Come on Annie…NO WAY. Isn’t Las Vegas Sin City??? And why would a Christian organization…such as the 700 Club even WANT to come all the way to Las Vegas?

I am sure that they had these thoughts and questions in the back of their minds too…I mean…come on!!! This is the city where sin never sleeps….TRULY.

Despite the fact that most of the crew had never been to Vegas…and did not hear very great things about it…they had a great attitude, and a GREAT time! We hung out and kicked it as they followed me around for a few days with the cameras…to see what Hookers For Jesus was all about…and how I came to the realization that I needed to reach out to the women that I used to work with!

We went to the famous Las Vegas Strip as I did some outreach…we even went to the mountain community of Mount Charleston…a place that I frequent to get away from the bustle of the city to reflect and get re-filled!

One good part was…they came to my church (The Church At South Las Vegas) and had the awesome chance to witness my pastor get his preach on (Pastor Benny Perez) and hang out and worship with all of us…

But…the VERY best part??? They noticed that Jesus IS indeed in Las Vegas! Yes my friends…believe it or not…and as hard as it is to swallow this…JESUS IS HERE TOO!!!

Because…where sin abounds…GRACE ABOUNDS MUCH MORE!

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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