Jewish News Roundup

Rabbi Gil Student writes:

  • Non-Orthodox synagogues merge (Jewish Week).
  • An editorial asks whether Israelis would be better off without a Chief Rabbinate (Jewish Week).
  • More letter to The Jewish Press for and against R. Natan Slifkin (Jewish Press). His response will appear next week.
  • Yom Tov union protest outside the Yeshiva Gedolah of Los Angeles (Jewish Journal).
  • Agudah defends a child’s right to be observant (Forward).
  • Animated Bible films — Veggie Tales without the veggies (Forward).
  • Supreme Court allows tuition reimbursement for special-ed students in private school (Yeshiva World, OU IPA).
  • Israel’s Chief Rabbinate defends its controversial new policy of allowing local rabbinates to prohibit heter mekhirah produce (Haaretz).
  • Orthodox rabbis in Israel encourage battered women to call police (Yediot Acharonot).
  • Yad L’Achim convinces two Jewish-Christian bloggers that their beliefs are wrong (Arutz Sheva).
  • About Luke Ford

    I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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