Monthly Archives: October 2007

Teresa Strasser Vs Tabloid Baby

Tabloid Baby reports: Teresa Strasser, if we made you cry, we apologize! But come on. Did we really make you cry? Really? From a listen to the evidence, it seems more likely you made up the story to carry out … Continue reading

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The Calendar Girls – New and Improved

On page 45 of the latest Jewish Journal, I read that "LA’s Best Online Jewish Calendar Just Got Better!" Wow, I thought, Dikla Kadosh must’ve broken up with her boyfriend. But when I scanned her blog, I found no evidence … Continue reading

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Mirthala’s New Car reports: ERS News has been on the story of LA Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and Mirthala Salinas since the start. It all started on July 3rd 2007 and when it will end is anybody’s guess. But even before July 3rd, … Continue reading

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Torah Weirdo

The Luke Ford Fan Blogger has good news: I’ve found a publisher for my unauthorised biography of Horrid Boy™ tentatively titled Torah Weirdo: Sex, Religion and Luke Ford. The book will be published next spring by Verso Press — well … Continue reading

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Hal Sparks Sings ‘Back In Black’

At Sardo’s Bar in Burbank Tuesday night: Actor Hal Sparks Sings ACDC’s ‘Back In Black’. I’ll be back with more original hard-hitting investigative reporting after the Jewish holidays. After I dance with the Torah Thursday night, I plan to be … Continue reading

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