Monthly Archives: October 2007

Turning On The Kids Magnet

Mickey Kaus writes: Sen. Reid has filed for cloture on the Dream Act, meaning a vote could come tomorrow (Wednesday). My problems with the proposed law–which would in effect grant amnesty to millions of illegal aliens under 30 who can … Continue reading

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‘The Mexican Mafia’ By Tony Rafael

New Videos: My Interview With Tony Rafael Interview Part II Michael Finch’s Introduction, he’s no Janet Levy but he does his best Tony’s Speech I Part II Part III Part IV Part V Part VI I’ve known Wednesday Morning Club … Continue reading

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New Commentary Editor Denies Neo-Nepotism

From the New York Times: Mr. Podhoretz, 46, who is currently vacationing with his family, said that his father found out about the job offer just two weeks ago, only after he had already accepted the post. “I didn’t want … Continue reading

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Trouble At YULA Boys School

Four members of the senior class have been expelled this school year and another ten have left (some for Israel, some for Santa Monica Community College), leaving the class at only 34. Students say the school’s new principal, Rabbi Heshy … Continue reading

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Seen & Heard During Shabbat In Pico-Robertson

"If I had known [Shabbos dinner] was so close, I would’ve worn my fuck-me pumps." I heard that priceless line from a loyal female reader. I saw a man (about 40) I’ve known since moving to LA. His eyes and … Continue reading

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