Daily Archives: September 25, 2007

Forbidden Sex

Rabbi Gil Student writes: The afternoon Torah reading on Yom Kippur is from Leviticus 18, the passage of forbidden relations. Included in this list is adultery, incest and homosexual relations. Why do we read it on Yom Kippur? Rashi (Megillah … Continue reading

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Torched By T.J. Simers?

Before I went on AM 570 KLAC’s morning show (hosted by KNBC sportscaster Fred Roggins, Los Angeles Times columnist T.J. Simers and his daughter Tracy) July 12, I was warned that T.J. was down on blogs and would rip into … Continue reading

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When Does The Los Angeles News Media Take Bloggers Seriously?

When they show up on Kevin Roderick’s LAObserved.com. Once my Jan. 29, 2007 story on the disintegration of the mayor’s marriage was cited on LAObserved.com (that same day), that put the story in play and soon the LA Times and … Continue reading

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No Lipstick for the Dodger pig

Matt Welch writes: Of all the lowliest (and most punishing) forms of journalism there are in our marvelous culture of media plenty, post-game baseball call-in shows possibly rank in the lowest quintile. And I say that as someone who probably … Continue reading

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From Dallas Cowboy To Orthodox Jew

Barry Horn writes: Schneur Kaplan is the Fort Lauderdale rabbi who shepherded Mr. Veingrad’s metamorphosis from Alan to Shlomo. It was Rabbi Kaplan who began calling Mr. Veingrad by the Hebrew name that he was given at birth and then … Continue reading

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