Daily Archives: September 5, 2007

Is Matt Drudge America’s Most Important Journalist?

I can’t think of anyone who comes close. Drudge breaks more stories than anybody and has more influence on the news cycle. It does not matter that much that he may be a bad journalist. The merit of his work … Continue reading

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Shalhevet At The Crossroads

Shalhevet is the Jewish school of the future and always will be. Billionaire Ameriquest founder Roland Arnall has been Shalhevet’s major funder for the past five years (to the tune of about $6 million). He first stepped in when Shalhevet … Continue reading

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Who took the modern out of Modern Orthodoxy?

Ben Atlas writes on reshimu.com: On the subject of the upheaval on Hirhurim. Enough have been said about the Modern Orthodoxy trending right. But specifically about the vitriol, fundamentalism and intolerance evidenced in the conversations. Big part of the YU … Continue reading

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Study: Casual Sex Only Rewarding For First Few Decades

From The Jewish Press: ARLINGTON, VA—An alarming new study published in Jewish Action reveals that casual sex, the practice of engaging in frequent, spontaneous sexual encounters with new and exciting partners, may only provide unimaginable pleasure and heart-pounding exhilaration for, … Continue reading

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