Daily Archives: September 9, 2007

The Burning Joint

The satirical Shalhevet paper (taking off on Shalhevet’s official student paper The Boiling Point) can be found here (by invitation only) and here (for general viewing): Entering Shalhevet as freshmen, we were told about the nu­merous student committees and organizations … Continue reading

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Political Consultant Spinning For Mayor Connected To Condo Sale To Mirthala Salinas

Robert Steve Bullock, the son-in-law (or stepson?) of veteran lobbyist Joe Cerrell and the CFO of Cerrell Associates, sold Mirthala Salinas her condo. That the Bullock who sold the condo to Salinas is related to Cerrell was first disclosed in … Continue reading

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New Issue Of The Commentator

Rabbi Gil Student blogs on Reshimu.com: Some links to articles in the new issue of Yeshiva College’s newspaper, The Commentator: Phase Two: End the Cynicism Officials Reconsidering Yeshiva’s Role in Israel Officials Struggling to Keep Students Four Years Barry Eichler … Continue reading

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Congregational Singing

Rabbi Gil Student writes: Certain sections of the prayer service are commonly sung by the congregation but there are two main ways in which this singing takes place: 1) the Beis Medrash style and 2) the Young Israel style. In … Continue reading

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