Monthly Archives: September 2007

Praying For Kevin Everett

Whenever I hear we should pray for someone, I just tune out. I have no belief in the efficacy of prayer (except to affect the one praying). Brad A. Greenberg says we should pray for Buffalo Bills player Kevin Everett, … Continue reading

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Limo Liberals

Joe writes: Motor avenue in west l.a. is a crucial artery to take people from culver city to their jobs in century city and westwood. It relieves traffic on overland and sepulveda and is generally regarded by many as a … Continue reading

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NOT wishing you a Shana Tova

Orit Arfa, who’s so hot she should be illegal, writes from Israel: My inbox is filling up with a lot of spam, and it’s really annoying. The subject is invariably the same: Shana Tova. I’ve been hearing from acquaintances with … Continue reading

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Where Are The Mexicans?

Mickey Kaus blogs: …Here’s a report from, yes, the front lines of the illegal immigration crackdown (scroll down to comment from "hllnwlz"): I’m a high school English teacher in OC. Some very interesting things are afoot in Anaheim public schools. … Continue reading

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Plagiarism Charges Against Novelist Naomi Ragen

Sarah Shapiro writes on In the Jerusalem Post of February 23, 2007, I read of a plagiarism charge against the author Naomi Ragen, and was prompted by that report to inform the plaintiff’s attorney of my own related experience. … Continue reading

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